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BuG BalancE TriX.......!

→ MethOd-1
→ Step- 1
Save the number 56543(its Mcampus Toll free number)in different names in ur Mobile like Mcampus,Mcampus 2,Mcampus 3,mcampus 4...etc. to 10 or more times......
→ Step- 2
Make a caller grOup Or distributiOn list nd add above all mCampu5 numbers in the same list......
→ Step- 3
Go 2 Create msg n type US (ur msg anything) nd send this 2 the above created list....if the list cOntain 10 mCampu5 numbers u will get 10 Credits do this 4 several times n earn credit easily.......
→ Step- 4
Go 2 My Rewards in Mcampu5 n earn redeam ur credits n thereby Enjoy unlimited BugginG......

→ MethOd-2
→ Step- 1
Open ur mcampus profile and click on Update option. Write sOme sms like "Feeling Great" and click on update option, wait for few second and cancel it quicklY, now put 1 dot in ur sms "Feeling Great." and again click on update, again wait for few second and cancel it quicklY, nOw again put 1 more dot "Feeling Great.." and click on update. Do dis process upto 10 times whenever u open ur Profile.
→ Step- 2
When ur Bug balance end then click on mY Rewards and if ur Credit is mOre than 100 then Redeem it, and if ur Credit is less than 100 then try (Step-1). Now ur Bug balance never ends like minE. Plz dOnt miss use diS and after bcuming ur balance more than 100 redeem Credit5 and EnjoY.....do this when u need BUG BALANCE.....!

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